商品の説明アメリカ領 フィリピン ONE CENTAVO 1944年種類...外国貨幣/硬貨国...フィリピンObverseSeated man with hammer and anvil facing right, smoking volcano at right.Script: LatinLettering:ONE CENTAVOFILIPINASTranslation: Philippines.Designer: Ambrosio MoralesReverseCoat of arms of the Philippines.Script: LatinLettering:UNITED STATES OF AMERICACOMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINESS 1944Designers: Melicio Figueroa, Charles BarberEdgeSmoothMManila, Philippines (1728-1889, 1920-1922, 1925-1940)SU.S. Mint of San Francisco, United States (1854-date)CommentsAlthough this type is listed in the /"Standard Catalog of World Coins/" as Bronze, official mint records state that they are made of Copper and Zinc.Further information on this rare and priced collectible can be viewed on numismatic pages. #KIMicoins#Oldcoin#Coppercoin#Onecentavo#Antique coin商品の情報カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > コレクション > 旧貨幣・金貨・銀貨・記念硬貨商品の状態傷や汚れあり発送元の地域埼玉県